In this interview, we sit down with David, an 18-year-old artist and small business owner, to discuss his journey in the world of art and business. From his creative beginnings to his social media strategies, David shares his insights and advice on how to turn artistic passions into a successful business venture.

Sophie: For those that don’t know you, can you share what you do and a little bit about yourself?

David: My name is David, and I’m an 18 year old artist and small business owner. I’m based in SC and I love it . I’m finishing up my senior year of highschool, and then my plan is to go to Bible school. I mainly paint landscapes with acrylic paint and love to create pieces that convey a mood or feeling. My favorite color is green, and that definitely shows up in lots of areas of my life, not just painting. 

Sophie: Where did your journey as an artist begin? How long have you been practicing art?

David: I began painting in 2017 when my sister gave me some of her old paint. My brother was also painting at the time, so that was inspiring too. I just started by watching tutorials on YouTube, and then I eventually became confident enough to create my own work. 

Sophie: Where are you in your journey with art and your small business at this point, and can you walk us through the timeline of how you’ve arrived at where you’re at now?

David: I currently market mainly through Instagram, and sell my work on my website. I started sharing my work on Instagram in 2018, and released my first collection in 2019. It wasn’t until 2020 until things began to pick up. That was the year I did my first market and was in my first ever magazine. After not feeling like I was making as much business growth as I had hoped in 2022, I decided to reevaluate my goals and ideal audience. This year has been the busiest and most rewarding year by far, and I can’t wait to see where the rest of the year takes me. 

Sophie: When it comes to your art, do you have any favorite pieces that you’ve created? And if so, why are they your favorite?

David: I created a piece at the beginning of 2022 that was one of my all time favorites. It was a really smooth painting day, and I loved the soft subtle colors. It was also cool because my parents ended up purchasing it, and now it live in our house. Now I can always see it! 

Sophie: What’s been one of the most challenging aspects of turning your creative passions into a business?

David: Finding collectors has been one of the most challenging parts of my business. I always have to remember that it’s something that takes time, and something you can’t rush.

Sophie: Social media can be a huge tool for selling, and it looks like you’ve been growing such an engaged following with lots of followers turned fans that love your art (I know because I’m one of them!!) What has helped you to grow this following as an artist?

David: The biggest thing has definitely been reels. My Instagram account has grown twelve times the size it was, and it was just because of reels. While that’s a nice way to watch the number get bigger, the most engaging people are the ones that find you through other artists, designers, and especially the ones you meet in person. (At markets) I’ve found those are the ones who stick around, and most likely to turn into collectors. Also being the one to engage with your audience brings a more personal presence on social media, which also has been super helpful when it comes to building relationships and a community online .

Sophie: What’s one goal you currently are trying to reach as a business owner?

David: I would love to collaborate with some large interior design/home decor brands. 

Sophie: What advice would you give to somebody that wants to share their art and grow a business centered around their artistic abilities?

David: I think the biggest thing is to just start. It can be scary to start something like this, but that’s the only way you will get anywhere. Also ask questions, and try to learn as much as you can. Taking online courses can be really helpful for learning lots of important things you will need to know for your business. 

Sophie: Any exciting opportunities or new things coming soon for your business/customers that you can share with us?

David: I’m currently working on a collection of work based off of European gardens and architecture. I have a group show that I am also getting ready for this May!! I’m trying to spend as much time painting and growing my skills, so lots of new work will be available this year! 


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MAY RECAP: Pop Up shops, a record breaking month + a little bit of travel