8 Signs Your Business Branding Needs a Refresh


First, let's clear up a common misconception: branding is more than just an attractive logo. If that's the sole purpose your branding serves, then we need to make some major adjustments!

As a graphic designer passionate about creativity, I often collaborate with small business owners to create visual identities that encapsulate their brand's essence. If you’ve come to this post, odds are you might be wondering if your brand indeed needs a glow up. I would venture to say that if you’re questioning this in the first place, then you likely are a good candidate for a brand refresh!

Here are eight signs that your business branding might be ready for a much deserved makeover:

1. Your business logo doesn't reflect your current business values

So, your business is growing and blooming, and naturally, your values and mission are evolving, too. You might start to feel like your once perfect logo doesn't really fit your brand anymore. Maybe your business has grown its services, or your target audience has shifted a bit, or your mission statement has had a bit of a makeover. In situations like these, it could be time for a brand glow-up to make sure your logo still vibes with what your business is all about. As a graphic designer who creates custom business logos, I tell you this from experience.

On the other hand, you might have fallen into the trend trap. It's super tempting to jump on the latest design trends when branding your business, but that can lead to a logo that feels outdated as soon as the trend is over. If you find yourself wanting to switch up your logo every year to stay trendy, it could be a sign that your branding isn't really a true representation of your business's identity and core values.

Instead of chasing the latest fad, think about going for timeless branding. This type of branding isn't about fleeting design trends, but more about the unique essence and enduring values of your business. It's designed to stand the test of time, staying effective and relevant for years on end. A timeless logo can grow and evolve with your business, saving you the hassle and cost of rebranding all the time. If your logo feels more like a seasonal trend than a true reflection of your business, it might be time for a brand glow-up with a focus on timeless design.

2. You're not attracting your ideal customers

If your brand isn't hitting the right notes with your dream customers, a brand makeover might be exactly what you need. This isn't just about changing your logo or branding colors, but taking a good look at what your branding says about your business right now, what your ideal customer needs to hear/see from you, and where those things are lacking in your current branding.

You really need to get under the skin of your ideal customer - what makes them tick, what they're dreaming about, their daily struggles, and what they really want. If you can align your brand with these insights, you'll start to really connect with your people. They'll get you, trust you, and stick around. So if your brand is feeling a little 'meh' to your ideal customers, it might be time for a fun brand glow-up.

3. Your business branding is blending in instead of making an impression

Branding that’s just “meh”, average, or borderline forgettable won’t do your business any favors.

So what can a standout brand do for you? Great question, I’d love to tell you!

A standout brand not only distinguishes you from competitors but also creates a memorable impression on consumers. Remember, the market is saturated with countless brands vying for attention, and a well-defined, distinctive brand can cut through the noise. It offers a clear picture of what your business stands for and why customers should choose you over others. So, if you feel your brand is blending into the background rather than standing in the spotlight, it might be time to consider a brand glow-up to elevate your brand identity and make a lasting impact. Check out some of my favorite custom business branding makeovers if you need some inspiration!

4. Your branding isn't consistent, and there’s a noticeable disconnect

Is your branding playing the game of mix and match? I see this all too often in the small business community. While playing with different fonts can be fun, consistency is the key to solid branding. If your logos, colors, and fonts are playing hide and seek across different platforms, a brand glow-up is in sight.

Constantly using different fonts and colors for your business branding can make your business look inconsistent and unprofessional. Having a hodgepodge of different styles can confuse your audience and dilute your brand identity. Consistency is crucial in branding because it helps to build recognition and trust.

When your fonts, colors, and logos are constantly changing, it's difficult for your audience to know what to expect from you. This can lead to a lack of trust, as audiences may perceive this inconsistency as a lack of focus or reliability.

Using a consistent color palette and fonts can evoke specific feelings and associations that you want to be linked with your brand. By changing these elements regularly, you miss out on the opportunity to create these associations in the minds of your audience.

While it might be fun to experiment with different styles, maintaining a consistent brand identity is key to creating a professional and trustworthy image.

5. Your branding isn’t keeping up with your business growth

If your business has expanded or pivoted since you first created your brand, it might no longer represent who you are. Time for a glow-up, don't you think?

A brand refresh doesn’t mean your business is starting over, it means we are re-evaluating your logo, color scheme, fonts, and overall design elements to better reflect your current direction and growth. The last thing you want to be held back by in your business is your branding because that’s something you can directly control! The list of things we can’t control as business owners is long, so let’s make sure we’re proactive about the things we have the power to take action over!

In addition, you might want to update your brand messaging to ensure it communicates your new goals, mission, and values. Remember, a brand is not just about aesthetics, it is also about the emotions and ideas that it evokes in your target audience. As your business grows and changes, it's important that your brand evolves with it to stay relevant and resonate with your audience.

6. Your branding doesn't make you proud

There’s nothing worse than having to point new leads to a website or social platform that you have to preface by saying “It needs work” or “It’s not updated, but…”

Your business is too important to sport branding that doesn’t actually feel like you. For many of us small business owners, we’re so used to doing everything for our business ourselves that the thought of outsourcing something for our business doesn’t always feel like an option. And if you’re not a business owner who specializes in graphic design or business branding, then the “branding” you have for your business might not actually be true branding at all. It might just be a Canva template you found…yikes!

There’s no shame in where you’re at in your journey as a business owner, but if you don't feel proud when you hand out your business card or direct people to your website, it’s most definitely time for a brand refresh so you can get the credibility boost you need while feeling proud next time someone asks for the link to your website.

7. You're not getting the results you want

If you're not seeing the business results you want, your branding might be to blame. A brand refresh could help you achieve your goals.

Have big goals for 2024? A brand glow-up could get you there!

Investing in branding can significantly contribute to a small business owner’s success. Everyone talks about just how “saturated the market is these days on Instagram” which means crafting a memorable visual identity and branding experience for your customers is essential for standing out among competitors.

There might be a lot of people doing what you do, but nobody can do it how YOU do it, so you deserve to have a brand identity that matches the uniqueness and quality of what you have to offer! When it comes down to it, it makes no sense to skimp on something that will often be the first impression that sets the tone for every potential customer you come into contact with.

Consistent, high-quality branding across all platforms and touchpoints enhances your business's professionalism and credibility, which in turn builds customer trust and loyalty. It also helps in creating a seamless and harmonious customer experience, where every channel blends together to create a cohesive, well rounded picture of your brand.

So, if you have big goals for 2024, investing in a brand glow-up might be the strategic move that propels your business to the next level of success, whatever that might look like for you.

8. Your branding doesn't accurately represent your business's personality

Every business has its unique personality, and your branding should accurately convey this to your audience. Your branding extends beyond just your logo or your business name; it encompasses every interaction a customer has with your business, from your website design, social media posts, to customer service experiences. If your current branding does not encapsulate the essence of your business's personality and ethos, it might be time to consider a brand refresh. A brand refresh can help to realign your public image with your business's core values and personality, ensuring that your branding is a true reflection of who you are as a company.

Rebranding Your Business With Direction & a Custom Approach

If any of these fun signs got you thinking, it might be time to consider a brand glow-up. As a designer with a passion for unique, playful, and handcrafted designs, I can help you weave a brand that is the heart and soul of your business and a magnet for your ideal clients. Let's have a fun chat today to start your brand glow-up journey!


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